
Birds of Peru BETA

Introduction and Index  

BirdsOfColombia.org is a simple HTML site in a traditional book format showcasing images of the birds of Colombia and surrounding countries organized by taxonomy.
BirdPhotos.com is a gallery of high quality photos by many great photographers of about half of all bird species, with a wealth of scientific information and other features.

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Enjoy! Tom Friedel

White-eared Jacamar
White-eared Jacamar (Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis)
Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia
Photograph by Tom Friedel   © Copyrighted, All Rights Reserved.

2331 images of 1793 species. 1852 species in Peru. 2705 sound files.

© Tom Friedel - All Rights Reserved, except for images and data otherwise noted.       Colombia       Panama       Ecuador       Costa Rica       Mexico
Experimental sites:       Peru       Venezuela       The World       Brazil       Bolivia
Really Experimental sites:       Guyana       Cuba