
Birds of Ecuador

Now includes Galapagos Islands!

Introduction and Index  

BirdsOfColombia.org is a simple HTML site in a traditional book format showcasing images of the birds of Colombia and surrounding countries organized by taxonomy.
BirdPhotos.com is a gallery of high quality photos by many great photographers of about half of all bird species, with a wealth of scientific information and other features.

DOWNLOAD THE APP! Android iPhone

Enjoy! Tom Friedel

Giant Antpitta
Giant Antpitta (Grallaria gigantea)
Tandayapa Lodge, Ecuador

2199 images of 1655 species. 1674 species in Ecuador. 2626 sound files.

© Tom Friedel - All Rights Reserved, except for images and data otherwise noted.       Colombia       Panama       Ecuador       Costa Rica       Mexico
Experimental sites:       Peru       Venezuela       The World       Brazil       Bolivia
Really Experimental sites:       Guyana       Cuba