Western Fire-eye (Pyriglena maura maura) Female
Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brazil An all brown female with white brow is found from the southeast Peru foothills through Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil.
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Photograph by Tropical Birding (Nick Athanas)
© All Rights Reserved.
Western Fire-eye (Pyriglena maura castanoptera) Female
Wildsumaco Lodge, Sumaco, Ecuador
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Photograph by Matt Grube
© All Rights Reserved.
Note white back on all-black male, present on a number of species of antbirds, but sometimes hard to see or not present. Split from White-backed Fire-eye in 2020, but even this new speies has females that are all brown (Ecuador Pacific), or rufous with black head (Peru), or rufous wings with black head and body (East Andean slope, Colombia to north Peru).